At Landmark we believe God has given different gifts to every born again Christian and they should be given opportunities to exercise those gifts, scripturally and under the direction of the pastor and under the authority of the local church.
Furthermore, please pray with us as our ministry reaches those in our local community. It is a great burden of ours as we know the gospel is the answer to free men from the bondage of sin. We are always looking for ways to serve and be a light to the city of Maryville, TN as well as the surrounding local areas. We pray you will consider and be in prayer about ways in which you can be a help to God's church and a lost world. There are plenty of opportunities, not only at Landmark, but in other good local Baptist churches in our area in which you can serve and be a blessing to others. So whether it is here or at another church, we pray you will find the blessing that comes in giving of yourself and your time that is much greater than the blessing of receiving.