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Brother Aaron Caldwell was called to pastor at Landmark Baptist Tabernacle on November 10, 2019. Since answering the call, he has sought to lead the flock of God by prayer, scripture, and example. he has the approach that every expectation be founded on the word of God. He firmly holds to the truth that God is to be honored, and there is no place in ministry for the worship of a man! Respecting the authority of the Pastor is a Bible principle but not to exceed the bounds of God's Word! He teaches that no Pastor ever has the right to expect you to do anything at the command of the Pastor that clearly goes against Scripture. He holds to the truth that Scripture is our final authority in all things faith and practice. He teaches a Pastor is to "take oversight" of the flock, but never to "lord over God's heritage". There is one Master and his name is Jesus Christ. He teaches expositionally most often to give you clear biblical direction which emphasizes the doctrines of Scirpture rather than the opinion of a man. He is unapologetic in holding to God's expectation, and makes no exceptions concerning truth.

A note from the Pastor:
Hello dear friend,

You will find in the Word of God that a pastor is to lead sheep. As a leader, you will naturally expect followers. The purpose of leadership is not to follow me that I may be worshiped, but that you would follow me as I take you to Jesus. John chapter 1 shows us that John the Baptist had two disciples who followed him. One according to the Scripture was named Andrew. Andrew was a follower of John, but John said behold the Lamb of God. John did not seek a following for personal gratification, but he sought to take those who followed him straight to Jesus. Andrew subsequently went on with Jesus. Some pastors stay a lifetime. Some pastors are called to other works at other places. My desire is to get you to Jesus so that when and if I'm gone elsewhere someday the Church can thrive with Christ. It's not about me and never will be. It's all about him. Come, let me take you to him.



Landmark Baptist Tabernacle

1159 Middlesettlements Rd

Maryville, TN 37801​

Conveniently located just beyond McGee Tyson Airport in the heart of Maryville, TN.

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